Corporate Social Responsibility

As a Scandinavian company who loves our nature, we feel a sense of commitment to protect and maintain the luxurious environment we have around us. In the production of our scarves and jewelry, we make sure that our processes adhere to the environmental regulations.

Our necklaces and bracelets are all made with natural stones with nickel and lead-free chains, making them environmentally friendly and also allergen free.
We also believe in helping to improve the quality of life of the work force as well as the local community and society. In Singapore, Freja Designs Studio works with the Andrew & Grace Home, teaching girls the skill of jewelry making, getting them involved and giving them an insight into the process of jewelry making. It was a valuable skill development for some of these girls who had dreams of starting up their own fashion and accessories business someday.

Recently, Freja Designs Studio also donated to a Gala event that was organized by the International Bridges to Justice (IBJ). IBJ is an independent, non-profit and non-governmental organization founded in 2000 that strives to protect due process and achieve fair trials for the accused throughout the world. In countries where governmental commitment to human rights principles has, as of yet, failed to meet its practical goal, IBJ fills the gap between human rights legislation and domestic implementation. We are happy to have been able to help and are constantly on the look out for opportunities to work with other organizations.

Should you require any further information or if you are interested in any collaborations, please feel free to contact us at info@frejadesignsstudio.com.